Manage Orders Screen



The Manage Orders screen allows you to view all current and historical orders created by your organization. The Manage Orders screen is also the entrance to the Create Order screen, where orders can be submitted.

Information Provided


 Information Provided

Show Current Orders by Date

These fields determine the orders you want displayed based on the time frame they were created.

Field Name



This field allows you to set the beginning time frame of orders you want displayed. Type in the date using the format MM/DD/YYYY or use the calendar application.


This field allows you to set the end time frame of orders you want to display. Type in the date using the format MM/DD/YYYY or use the calendar application.

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Orders Table

This is the table that displays orders.

Column Name


Submit Date

The date the order was created. This date determines the sort order.

Order ID

The unique identifier that is automatically created when a user submits (saves) their order.


The pin number taken from the Site screen. 


The user who created the order.


Displays the current order status as a hyperlink. Click the hyperlink to enter the specific order.

Order Status Definitions

Orders will have one of these six status designations.

Status Name



These orders have been viewed and approved by the state and can no longer be modified by the provider. This type of order is considered a current order.


These orders have been shipped and accepted by the submitting/receiving organization. This type of order can no longer be modified and is considered an historical order.


These orders have been denied by the state. This type of order is considered an historical order.

Partially Shipped

The imported shipping data for these orders contains an order line split indicator. Three scenarios exist that may cause this status. 1) One or more line items were not shipped. 2) An order line item was sent in multiple shipments. 3) An order line is filled using vaccines from two or more lot numbers. This type of order is considered a current order.


These orders have not been filled by the state. These orders can still be modified. This type of order is considered a current order.

Sent to CDC

These orders have been exported from VIIS. This type of order is considered a current order.

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Manage Inventory Auto-Population pop-up window

When the Create Order button is clicked, a Manage Inventory pop-up window will open.



"Auto populate inventory on hand from last VIIS vaccine order." Click this Submit button to load inventory from the previous VIIS Order into the inventory section of the Create Order screen.

"Auto populate inventory from current VIIS Inventory." Click this Submit button to load inventory from the provider's Manage Inventory screen into the inventory section of the Create Order screen.

Select this check box to save your insert inventory preference. If this is selected, the next time the Create Order button is clicked, this message will not appear. To change this selection, the user must enter the Manage Site screen.

Click the Cancel button to close the Manage Inventory pop-up window. The user will remain on the Manage Orders screen.



Use the following buttons to filter and select orders.



Click to create a new order for your organization.

Click to update the orders listing.

Select to display all orders in "pending," "sent to CDC," "Approved," and "Partially Shipped" status.

Select to display  all orders in "denied," or "complete" status.

Select to display all orders under the "current" and "historical" order listing.

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